How to fix USB flash drive unknown capacity using command prompt


Hey guys in this article I will show you how to fix a corrupted SD card or USB flash Drive when the USB Drive or any storage device loses its capacity. so, the most common issue with the USB or SD cards is that they lose the capacity and whenever we try to access them, we get an error we can't access them even if the USB type is plugged in properly.  When we try to check the property, we see it says zero bytes. Our USB flash drive is corrupted right now so let's try to format it.

We know it's corrupted but it's not physically damaged so as long as you know that your USB Drive or any storage device is not physically damaged. But then, it is really easy to fix them. If we try to format, we get the error message that says unable to format it because we have no capacity in our storage device and it's only showing us 0 but, in your case, it could be showing you 1 megabyte, 4 Gigabyte or anything like. even if your storage device is not showing up in the file manager you can still fix that as long as you know that it's not physically broken.

How to fix USB flash drive unknown capacity using command prompt(video tutorial available👇👇 read through)

so enough talk let's fix the problem because it's actually really easy and people already know about it but if you don't know then let's do this.  first of all, open CMD in the command prompt by typing CMD in your search bar, right click and click run as administrator.

and after that, you will see the above command window. don't be scared if you know what you are doing then it will be fine but make sure that your command prompt is running as administrator now. I will write down all the codes so you can copy and paste them.


and hit enter. after that you will see the disk part session will start within the command prompt


list disk
and hit enter and you will see the list of all of your disk storage devices on your computer. now you have to identify which one is your USB Drive. But it does not only apply to USB flash Drives or SD cards it also applies to hard drive. if you have a hard disk you can also fix your hard disk. here disk 2 is my USB Drive, the disk 1 is my hard drive. so now we know that disk 2 is our USB Drive.
select disk 2
and hit enter.
Note: yours might be disk 1. Make sure you choose the right disk. it will show us that disc 2 is now selected.  
and hit enter and it will clean your disk and format your disk and make it work again so you can see here It says this card succeeded in cleaning the day it takes time it depends on your computer speed so I have a really good computer so it took around 30 seconds to clean my disk.
to close the command prompt. once we are done with the command prompt, the next step we have to open the disk management tool where we can create and format hard disk partitions.

To open the disk management tool on windows 8/10/11 press and hold the windows button+X and a menu will pop up. Click on disk management.

On The disk management tool, you will see your USB device as there “removable device” you have to identify which one is your USB Drive so you won’t make mistakes. I know mine because it's only 8 gigabytes and you can see here it says 7.43 gigabytes unallocated.

right clicks and choose the new volume and next, next, next if you want to give it a name you can give a name. Drive naming is optional but if you want to Name it whatever you want to name just name it and hit next. after that hit finish and you will see magic happens your device is now successfully fixed. if it was corrupted it will be repaired but if your drive was physically damaged then you know you can't fix it.

Go into the file manager you can see your USB flash Drive is now fixed. if you go into the property, all the capacity of your USB Drive is restored and now you can even format it and Do whatever you want. so that's how you fix almost any type of issue you get with this storage device not only to USB or SD cards you can also fix hard drives. the only thing you have to keep in mind is to make sure that your storage device is not physically damaged, if it's only corrupted then you can easily fix them by following those command lines in the command prompt. 

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